Every week in April 2020 we will post a new exercise based on Interaction of Color by Josef Albers. Simple tasks that encourage kids to really look and to experiment with color.
Here you see Félix and Alexandre Detaille in Paris, France, presenting exercise 4.
Everyone - starting with children of about age five - is invited to watch, listen, and experiment with their own color combinations.
Magic of Color - Workshop 4 with Félix and Alex
The Magic of Color - Workshop 3 with Félix
The Magic of Color - Workshop 2 with Alex
The Magic of Color - Workshop 1 with Alex
Workshop # 4
Color Wheels
Download instructions here
or watch the video below
In the video below, the exercise is presented by the Albers Foundation's Education Director to provide a more elaborate program to understand the magic of color.
Would you like to participate?
This project is open to all children from 5 years and upwards.
Please be careful that your children are able to do the workshop without hurting themselves.
We would appreciate seeing what your child has been doing, please share your photos on Instagram and Facebook hashtag albersforkids or send them by email to : albersforkids@gmail.com
Submissions from participants
To follow me, follow yourselves.
- Josef Albers
Every perception of colour is an illusion.. ..we do not see colours as they really are. In our perception they alter one another.
- Josef Albers
To open eyes
Josef Albers believed that teaching art was not a matter of imparting rules, styles, or techniques, but of leading students to a greater awareness of what they were seeing. Albers said his goal as a teacher was "to open eyes." For Albers, the fundamental building block of an art education was development of the capacity to see more acutely. You can’t be an artist, Albers reasoned, unless and until you’d mindfully explored the visual field through its key elements: line, shape, color, and texture.
Read more HERE.